Abstract: VANET uses vehicles as mobile nodes to create mobility in a network. A challenging problem is to design a broadcast authentication scheme for secure vehicle-to-vehicle communications. When an oversized variety of beacons arrive in a very short time, vehicles are at risk of computation-based Denial of Service attacks that excessive signature verification exhausts their procedure resources. An economical broadcast authentication scheme known as Prediction based Authentication (PBA) which not solely defend against computation-based DoS attacks, additionally resist packet losses caused by high quality of vehicles. In contrast to most existing authentication schemes, PBA is an efficient and lightweight scheme since it is primarily built on symmetric cryptography. Again to reduce the verification delay for some emergency applications, PBA is designed to exploit the sender vehicle's ability to predict future beacons earlier. Addition, to stop memory-based DoS attacks, PBA solely stores shortened re-keyed Message Authentication Codes (MACs) of signatures without decreasing security. An overview and qualitative comparison of PBA with authentication and without authentication is presented. Evaluation of the performance metrics such as Delivery Rate, Overall Storage Size, Loss Rate, Throughput and Control Overhead using NS-2 simulator are done.
Keywords: VANETs; broadcast communication; signatures; DoS attacks; prediction-based authentication.